The USDJOD decreased 0.0001 or 0.01% to 0.7086 on Friday April 26 from 0.7087 in the previous trading session. Historically, the Jordanian Dinar reached an all time high of 0.83 in October of 2002.

Crosses Price Day Year Date
USDJOD 0.7086 -0.0001 -0.01% -0.03% Apr/26
EURJOD 0.7611 0.0009 0.11% -2.74% Apr/26
GBPJOD 0.8873 0.0009 0.11% 0.41% Apr/26
AUDJOD 0.4638 0.0016 0.34% -0.83% Apr/26
NZDJOD 0.4223 0.0001 0.03% -2.58% Apr/26
JODJPY 220.9399 1.3575 0.62% 17.16% Apr/26
JODCNY 10.2442 0.0055 0.05% 4.63% Apr/26
JODCHF 1.2869 -0.0010 -0.08% 2.36% Apr/26
JODCAD 1.9263 -0.0011 -0.06% 0.14% Apr/26
JODMXN 24.3360 0.0618 0.25% -4.89% Apr/26
JODNOK 15.4882 0.0186 0.12% 3.23% Apr/26
JODINR 117.5243 -0.0416 -0.04% 1.63% Apr/25
JODBRL 7.2888 0.0270 0.37% 2.31% Apr/25
JODRUB 129.8582 -0.2843 -0.22% 14.06% Apr/25
JODKRW 1,943.3893 2.6303 0.14% 2.73% Apr/25
JODIDR 22,890.2215 -6.2232 -0.03% 9.33% Apr/25
JODARS 1,232.9084 0.8966 0.07% 295.66% Apr/25
JODHUF 516.9141 -2.0377 -0.39% 6.49% Apr/25
JODUAH 55.9320 0.1430 0.26% 7.35% Apr/25

Jordanian Dinar
The USDJOD spot exchange rate specifies how much one currency, the USD, is currently worth in terms of the other, the JOD. While the USDJOD spot exchange rate is quoted and exchanged in the same day, the USDJOD forward rate is quoted today but for delivery and payment on a specific future date.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
0.71 0.71 0.83 0.66 1990 - 2024 Daily