France Electricity decreased 12.05 EUR/MWh or 12.99% since the beginning of 2024, according to the latest spot benchmarks offered by sellers to buyers priced in megawatts per hour (MWh). Historically, the France Electricity Price reached an all time high of 1130.00 in August of 2022. source: EEX

Price Day Month Year Date
UK Electricity 63.80 1.40 2.24% 2.41% -32.71% Apr/25
Germany Electricity 63.12 0.32 0.51% -17.27% -43.69% Apr/25
France Electricity 80.70 0 0% 4.81% -57.96% Apr/26
Spain Electricity 57.49 16.05 38.73% 8,610.61% -47.28% Apr/26
Italy Electricity 90.67 0 0% 1.93% -30.11% Apr/26

Related Last Previous Unit Reference
France Bankruptcies 5303.00 5172.00 Companies Feb 2024
France Business Climate Composite Indicator 99.00 100.00 points Apr 2024
France Business Confidence 100.00 102.60 points Apr 2024
France Capacity Utilization 76.36 75.84 percent Feb 2024
France Car Production 1383173.00 1351308.00 Units Dec 2022
France New Car Registrations 180024.00 142597.00 Units Mar 2024
France Changes In Inventories 948.00 2796.00 EUR Million Dec 2023
France Composite Leading Indicator 99.41 99.30 points Mar 2024
France Composite PMI 49.90 48.30 points Apr 2024
France Corruption Index 71.00 72.00 Points Dec 2023
France Corruption Rank 20.00 21.00 Dec 2023
France Electricity Price 80.70 80.70 EUR/MWh Apr 2024
France Electricity Production 55695.15 51269.25 Gigawatt-hour Jan 2024
France Industrial Production -0.75 0.86 percent Feb 2024
France Industrial Production MoM 0.20 -0.90 percent Feb 2024
France Manufacturing PMI 44.90 46.20 points Apr 2024
France Manufacturing Production -0.34 0.17 percent Feb 2024
France Mining Production -9.48 -11.08 percent Feb 2024
France Natural Gas Stocks Capacity 128.86 128.86 TWh Apr 2024
France Natural Gas Stocks Injection 416.18 448.92 GWh/d Apr 2024
France Natural Gas Stocks Inventory 61.09 60.98 TWh Apr 2024
France Natural Gas Stocks Withdrawal 304.40 247.00 GWh/d Apr 2024
France New Orders Received -13.60 -16.60 points Mar 2024
France New Passenger Car Registrations YoY -1.50 13.00 percent Mar 2024
France Services PMI 50.50 48.30 points Apr 2024

France Electricity Price
Electricity prices displayed in Trading Economics are current spot benchmarks offered by sellers to buyers priced in megawatts per hour (MWh) in the local currency. Our electricity prices are intended to provide you with a reference only, rather than as a basis for making trading decisions. Trading Economics does not verify any data and disclaims any obligation to do so.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
80.70 80.70 1130.00 25.45 2011 - 2024 EUR/MWh Daily