Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 5.16 5.15 5.99 0.01 Apr/24
Stock Market 124646 124741 134392 0 Apr/24
GDP Growth Rate 0 0 8 -9 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.1 2 12.4 -10.1 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 7.8 7.6 14.7 6.2 percent Feb/24
Inflation Rate 3.93 4.5 6821 1.65 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.16 0.83 82.39 -0.68 percent Mar/24
Interest Rate 10.75 11.25 45 2 percent Mar/24
Cash Reserve Ratio 21 21 100 21 percent Mar/24
Balance of Trade 7483 5308 11034 -4496 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account -4373 -5100 3402 -14126 USD Million Feb/24
Current Account to GDP -2.92 -2.81 1.7 -8.2 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Debt to GDP 72.87 78.29 86.94 51.27 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -4.6 -4.3 -2 -13.3 percent of GDP Dec/22
Business Confidence 51.5 52.8 68.3 34.5 points Apr/24
Manufacturing PMI 53.6 54.1 66.7 36 points Mar/24
Services PMI 54.8 54.6 60.8 27.4 points Mar/24
Retail Sales MoM 1 2.5 11.7 -15.9 percent Feb/24
Corporate Tax Rate 34 34 37 25 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 percent Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Growth Rate 0 0 8 -9 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.1 2 12.4 -10.1 percent Dec/23
GDP 1920 1650 2616 17.03 USD Billion Dec/22
GDP Constant Prices 321781 329396 329396 170920 BRL Million Dec/23
Gross National Product 2745270 2657508 2745270 271187 BRL Million Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 457115 455020 499237 35403 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP per Capita 8831 8622 9216 2578 USD Dec/22
GDP per Capita PPP 15093 14736 15751 10104 USD Dec/22
Full Year GDP Growth 2.9 3 14 -4.4 percent Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 13755 21808 31568 6923 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Construction 16506 16305 20194 10342 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Manufacturing 28923 31044 37408 21655 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Mining 2842 2782 2842 1097 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Public Administration 40032 40125 40164 26247 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Services 202532 200721 202532 100853 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Transport 8696 8882 9391 5031 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Utilities 8424 8141 8424 3668 BRL Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 7.8 7.6 14.7 6.2 percent Feb/24
Employed Persons 100 101 101 81.67 Million Feb/24
Unemployed Persons 8.54 8.29 14.83 6.01 Million Feb/24
Labor Force Participation Rate 62 62.1 62.7 54.7 percent Feb/24
Labour Costs 137 118 182 39.6 points Jan/24
Wages 3110 3097 3204 2743 BRL/Month Feb/24
Minimum Wages 1412 1412 1412 64.79 BRL/Month Apr/24
Population 215 213 215 72.74 Million Dec/22
Retirement Age Women 62 62 62 60 Years Dec/24
Retirement Age Men 65 65 65 65 Years Dec/24
Employment Rate 57.1 57.3 57.6 46.8 percent Feb/24
Non Farm Payrolls 306 180 415 -860 Thousand Feb/24
Productivity 137 118 182 39.6 points Jan/24
Wages in Manufacturing 3054 3016 3325 2637 BRL/Month Feb/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 3.93 4.5 6821 1.65 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.16 0.83 82.39 -0.68 percent Mar/24
Consumer Price Index CPI 6869 6858 6869 0 points Mar/24
Core Inflation Rate 4.66 5.06 9.7 1.29 percent Feb/24
GDP Deflator 4.7 8.6 2737 3.7 percent Dec/23
Producer Prices 158 158 576 0 points Feb/24
Export Prices 122 123 144 49.74 points Jan/24
Import Prices 105 108 135 49.12 points Jan/24
Food Inflation 3.1 2.62 5267 -2.3 percent Mar/24
IGP-M Inflation MoM -0.47 -0.52 83.95 -1.93 percent Mar/24
IPC-Fipe Inflation MoM 0.26 0.46 79.11 -2.09 percent Mar/24
Mid-month Inflation Rate MoM 0.36 0.78 3.05 -0.73 percent Mar/24
Mid-month Inflation Rate YoY 4.14 4.49 17.24 1.92 percent Mar/24
Producer Price Inflation MoM 0.06 -0.24 5.16 -3.04 Percent Feb/24
CPI Housing Utilities 11458 11428 11458 0 points Feb/24
CPI Transportation 6572 6525 6669 0 points Feb/24
Producer Prices Change -5.16 -5.49 6720 -14.02 percent Feb/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 10.75 11.25 45 2 percent Mar/24
Cash Reserve Ratio 21 21 100 21 percent Mar/24
Money Supply M0 417796 414701 427958 0 BRL Million Mar/24
Money Supply M1 611021 608328 653080 0 BRL Million Feb/24
Money Supply M2 5884928 5857676 5913357 0.01 BRL Million Feb/24
Money Supply M3 11015263 10887406 11015263 0.01 BRL Million Feb/24
Banks Balance Sheet 10312584 10110614 10312584 739182 BRL Million Mar/23
Foreign Exchange Reserves 352704 355066 388092 1187 USD Million Feb/24
Loans to Private Sector 810494 811609 875167 169316 BRL Million Feb/24
Deposit Interest Rate 10.95 11.95 54180 1.33 percent Dec/23
Central Bank Balance Sheet 4098642000 4127024000 4288302000 6.4 BRL Thousand Sep/23
Interbank Rate 9.29 9.29 16.05 0.89 percent Apr/24
Loan Growth 0.2 -0.2 3.7 -1 percent Feb/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade 7483 5308 11034 -4496 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account -4373 -5100 3402 -14126 USD Million Feb/24
Current Account to GDP -2.92 -2.81 1.7 -8.2 percent of GDP Dec/22
Exports 27980 23494 32831 75.06 USD Million Mar/24
Imports 20498 18186 26680 67 USD Million Mar/24
External Debt 738588 732643 738588 64260 USD Million Mar/24
Terms of Trade 116 115 122 59.18 points Jan/24
Capital Flows -4228 -4741 3120 -14570 USD Million Feb/24
Foreign Direct Investment 5012 8741 16275 -5178 USD Million Feb/24
Remittances 307 344 454 70.79 USD Million Feb/24
Gold Reserves 130 130 130 31.99 Tonnes Dec/23
Crude Oil Production 3585 3678 3678 330 BBL/D/1K Dec/23
External Debt to GDP 2.9 3.2 6.1 1.6 percent of GDP Dec/21
Terrorism Index 1.99 0.6 2.69 0.29 Points Dec/23
Tourist Arrivals 3630 746 6621 746 Thousand Dec/22
Weapons Sales 121 92 269 0 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/22
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 72.87 78.29 86.94 51.27 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -4.6 -4.3 -2 -13.3 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget Value -113858 22232 84061 -210161 BRL Million Feb/24
Government Spending 190938 158357 303133 9016 BRL Million Feb/24
Government Revenues 190611 186522 280636 12715 BRL Million Mar/24
Gross Debt to GDP 75.5 75 90.7 61.7 percent of GDP Feb/24
Corruption Index 36 38 43 27 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 104 94 106 36 Dec/23
Credit Rating 43 Apr/24
Government Debt 8301796 8210715 8301796 1336645 BRL Million Feb/24
Military Expenditure 22888 20542 36936 342 USD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 34 34 37 25 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 percent Dec/23
Sales Tax Rate 17 17 17 17 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate 42.8 39.8 42.8 31 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Companies 28.8 28.8 31.8 20 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Employees 14 11 14 11 percent Dec/23
Withholding Tax Rate 15 15 15 15 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Business Confidence 51.5 52.8 68.3 34.5 points Apr/24
Manufacturing PMI 53.6 54.1 66.7 36 points Mar/24
Services PMI 54.8 54.6 60.8 27.4 points Mar/24
Composite PMI 55.1 55.1 59.4 26.5 points Mar/24
Industrial Production 5 3.7 37.2 -27.7 percent Feb/24
Industrial Production Mom -0.3 -1.5 25.1 -24.4 percent Feb/24
Manufacturing Production 4.9 3.1 40.3 -31.8 percent Feb/24
Capacity Utilization 77.6 77.7 84.6 73.1 percent Jan/24
Changes in Inventories -96154 -14707 152053 -103661 BRL Million Dec/23
Car Production 195751 189684 352328 1847 Units Mar/24
Car Registrations 187731 165225 420080 1793 Units Mar/24
Total Vehicle Sales 120315 118503 325722 23705 Units Feb/24
Leading Economic Index 0.4 0.52 5.06 -9.92 percent Feb/24
Small Business Sentiment 51.3 50.5 65.6 34.6 points Mar/24
Composite Leading Indicator 102 102 105 93.48 points Mar/24
Mining Production 5.31 6.92 21.3 -22.8 percent Feb/24
Steel Production 2800 2500 3269 918 Thousand Tonnes Feb/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Retail Sales MoM 1 2.5 11.7 -15.9 percent Feb/24
Retail Sales YoY 8.2 4.1 23.7 -17.1 percent Feb/24
Consumer Spending 1808771 1748885 1808771 125685 BRL Million Dec/23
Consumer Credit 3578317 3559161 3578317 0 BRL Million Feb/24
Private Sector Credit 5566526 5553774 5568407 0 BRL Million Feb/24
Bank Lending Rate 52.46 52.57 254 37.2 percent Feb/24
Economic Optimism Index 93.2 91.3 113 58.2 points Apr/24
Gasoline Prices 1.15 1.16 1.58 0.53 USD/Liter Mar/24
Households Debt to GDP 34.4 34.3 34.7 10.4 percent of GDP Sep/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Housing Index 160 159 160 100 points Mar/24
Residential Property Prices 1.43 1.22 26.17 -2.89 Percent Dec/23