The University of Michigan Current Economic Conditions subindex in the United States decreased to 79.30 points in April 2024, the lowest in four months, from 82.50 points in March of 2024, and well below forecasts of 82.2, preliminary estimates showed. source: University of Michigan

Michigan Current Economic Conditions in the United States averaged 95.40 points from 1951 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 121.20 points in March of 2018 and a record low of 53.80 points in June of 2022. This page includes a chart with historical data for the United States Michigan Current Economic Conditions. United States Michigan Current Economic Conditions - data, historical chart, forecasts and calendar of releases - was last updated on April of 2024.

Calendar GMT Reference Actual Previous Consensus TEForecast
2024-03-28 02:00 PM Michigan Current Conditions Final Mar 82.5 79.4 79.4
2024-04-12 02:00 PM Michigan Current Conditions Prel Apr 79.3 82.5 82.2 82.7
2024-04-26 02:00 PM Michigan Current Conditions Final Apr 82.5 79.3 79.3

Related Last Previous Unit Reference
Bank Lending Rate 8.50 8.50 percent Mar 2024
Chain Store Sales 2148.00 1701.00 USD Million Feb 2024
Michigan Consumer Sentiment 77.90 79.40 points Apr 2024
Consumer Credit Change 14.12 17.68 USD Billion Feb 2024
Consumer Spending 15683.50 15586.67 USD Billion Mar 2024
Credit Card Accounts 594.75 589.63 Million Dec 2023
Debt Balance Auto Loans 1.61 1.60 Trillion USD Dec 2023
Debt Balance Credit Cards 1.13 1.08 Trillion USD Dec 2023
Debt Balance Mortgages 12.25 12.14 Trillion USD Dec 2023
Debt Balance Student Loans 1.60 1.60 Trillion USD Dec 2023
Total Household Debt 17.50 17.29 USD Trillion Dec 2023
Disposable Personal Income 20709.27 20658.94 USD Billion Feb 2024
RCM/TIPP Economic Optimism Index 43.20 43.50 points Apr 2024
Gasoline Prices 0.90 0.85 USD/Liter Mar 2024
Households Debt to GDP 73.10 73.70 percent of GDP Sep 2023
Michigan Consumer Expectations 77.00 77.40 points Apr 2024
Michigan Current Conditions 79.30 82.50 points Apr 2024
Personal Income MoM 0.30 1.00 percent Feb 2024
Personal Savings 3.60 4.10 percent Feb 2024
Personal Spending MoM 0.80 0.20 percent Feb 2024
Private Sector Credit 12320.59 12269.56 USD Billion Feb 2024
Redbook YoY 5.30 4.90 percent Apr 2024
Retail Sales Ex Autos MoM 1.10 0.60 percent Mar 2024
Retail Sales Ex Gas/Autos MoM 1.00 0.50 percent Mar 2024
Retail Sales MoM 0.70 0.90 percent Mar 2024
Retail Sales YoY 4.00 1.50 percent Mar 2024
Used Car Prices MoM -0.40 -0.10 percent Mar 2024
Used Car Prices YoY -14.70 -13.10 percent Mar 2024

United States Michigan Current Economic Conditions
The Index of Consumer Expectations focuses on three areas: how consumers view prospects for their own financial situation, how they view prospects for the general economy over the near term, and their view of prospects for the economy over the long term. Each monthly survey contains approximately 50 core questions, each of which tracks a different aspect of consumer attitudes and expectations. The samples for the Surveys of Consumers are statistically designed to be representative of all American households, excluding those in Alaska and Hawaii. Each month, a minimum of 500 interviews are conducted by telephone.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
79.30 82.50 121.20 53.80 1951 - 2024 points Monthly
1966Q1=100, NSA