The total population in the United States was estimated at 335.9 million people in 2023, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. Looking back, in the year of 1900, the United States had a population of 76.1 million people. source: U.S. Census Bureau

Population in the United States is expected to reach 336.00 Million by the end of 2024, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the United States Population is projected to trend around 338.00 Million in 2025, according to our econometric models.

Related Last Previous Unit Reference
ADP Employment Change 184.00 155.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Average Hourly Earnings MoM 0.30 0.20 percent Mar 2024
Average Hourly Earnings YoY 4.10 4.30 percent Mar 2024
Average Weekly Hours 34.40 34.30 Hours Mar 2024
Challenger Job Cuts 90309.00 84638.00 Persons Mar 2024
Continuing Jobless Claims 1781.00 1796.00 Thousand Apr 2024
Employed Persons 161466.00 160968.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Employment Cost Index 0.90 1.10 percent Dec 2023
Employment Cost - Benefits 0.70 0.90 percent Dec 2023
Employment Cost - Wages 0.90 1.20 percent Dec 2023
Employment Rate 60.30 60.10 percent Mar 2024
Full Time Employment 132940.00 132946.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Government Payrolls 71.00 63.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Hiring Plans Announcements 21102.00 10317.00 Persons Mar 2024
Initial Jobless Claims 207.00 212.00 Thousand Apr 2024
Job Layoffs and Discharges 1724.00 1596.00 Thousand Feb 2024
JOLTs Job Openings 8756.00 8748.00 Thousand Feb 2024
JOLTs Job Quits 3484.00 3446.00 Thousand Feb 2024
Job Quits Rate 2.20 2.20 Percent Feb 2024
Job Openings 8352.00 8845.00 Thousand Feb 2024
Jobless Claims 4-week Average 213.25 214.50 Thousand Apr 2024
Participation Rate 62.70 62.50 percent Mar 2024
Labour Costs 119.99 119.42 points Dec 2023
Long Term Unemployment Rate 0.74 0.72 percent Mar 2024
Manufacturing Payrolls 0.00 -10.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Minimum Wages 7.25 7.25 USD/Hour Dec 2023
Non Farm Payrolls 303.00 270.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Nonfarm Payrolls Private 232.00 207.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Nonfarm Productivity 3.20 4.70 percent Dec 2023
Part Time Employment 28632.00 27941.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Population 335.89 334.13 Million Dec 2023
Productivity 112.09 110.88 points Dec 2023
Retirement Age Men 66.67 66.50 Years Dec 2024
Retirement Age Women 66.67 66.50 Years Dec 2024
U-6 Unemployment Rate 7.30 7.30 percent Mar 2024
Unemployed Persons 6429.00 6458.00 Thousand Mar 2024
Unemployment Rate 3.80 3.90 percent Mar 2024
Unit Labour Costs 0.40 0.10 percent Dec 2023
Wage Growth 5.77 5.65 percent Feb 2024
Wages 29.79 29.72 USD/Hour Mar 2024
Wages in Manufacturing 27.46 27.31 USD/Hour Mar 2024
Youth Unemployment Rate 8.80 8.80 percent Mar 2024

United States Population
The population of the United States represents 4.52 percent of the world´s total population which arguably means that one person in every 22 people on the planet is a resident of United States.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
335.89 334.13 335.89 76.09 1900 - 2023 Million Yearly